El ILPES de Prebisch
Contenido principal del artículo
En este artículo se analiza la primera década de existencia del Instituto Latinoamericano de Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES). Si bien podría sostenerse que toda la historia del Instituto, y de la CEPAL, estuvieron marcadas por la figura de Raúl Prebisch, ello es más cierto todavía en el mencionado periodo, que va desde julio de 1962 hasta enero de 1973, durante el cual ejerció la función de Director General. La historia del ILPES se configuró de la mano de Raúl Prebisch, y es en el recorrido de este nexo que se visualiza cómo fueron cambiando las condiciones iniciales, las alianzas, los actores, los compromisos que sumados a una continua crisis de dirección desencadenaron una serie de eventos que repercutieron en la edificación de este organismo.
This article analyzes the first decade of the Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES). Although it can be argued that the entire history of the Institute and that of ECLAC were framed by the figure of Raul Prebisch, this is particularly true for the period from July 1962 to January 1973 when he was Director General. The history of ILPES was shaped by the hand of Raul Prebisch, and in reviewing this connection it is possible to visualize changes in the initial conditions, alliances, actors, and compromises that together with a continuous leadership crisis produced a series of events that affected the construction of this organization.
This article analyzes the first decade of the Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES). Although it can be argued that the entire history of the Institute and that of ECLAC were framed by the figure of Raul Prebisch, this is particularly true for the period from July 1962 to January 1973 when he was Director General. The history of ILPES was shaped by the hand of Raul Prebisch, and in reviewing this connection it is possible to visualize changes in the initial conditions, alliances, actors, and compromises that together with a continuous leadership crisis produced a series of events that affected the construction of this organization.
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Cómo citar
Franco, Rolando. 2015. «El ILPES De Prebisch». Mundos Plurales - Revista Latinoamericana De Políticas Y Acción Pública 2 (1). https://doi.org/10.17141/mundosplurales.1.2015.1909.
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